Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Allow me to re-introduce myself, my name is HOVVVVVVVV.......

Actually it's Colin Carri.  
I'm a 28 year old man living in Long Beach, CA.  I spent the first 25 years of my life living and working in Laguna Beach, CA.  The OC at its most ridiculous.  Growing up in Laguna was a double-edged sword for me.  On the one side, its one of the most beautiful and surreal places I've ever experienced.  Near perfect weather 95% of the time, quirky and loving individuals sprinkled throughout the community, serene beaches with a coastline taken straight from any number of postcards or plein air paintings.  On the other side- crowded, expensive, and a virtual hub for snobbery thanks to a widely known MTV show bearing the same name.  Don't get me wrong, nine times out of ten, the former wins out allowing for one to bask in the perfection that the place is.  Its that rare occasion when the latter gets its grips in you.  I guess that coupled with not knowing how easy I had it lead me to make the move to Long Beach.  Despite being only 30 some odd miles away, Long Beach is culturally a huge jump from Laguna.  There's this thing called diversity here. 
There's also something called the Crips.  
Needless to say, it was a slightly bumpy transition.  

Currently, I am extremely happy up here.  I've been working at Arts & Services for Disabled, Inc. (www.artsandservices.org) for two and a half years and over the summer was promoted to Exhibits Coordinator.  Its a challenging and exciting position where I'm allowed a lot of creative flexibility but am forced to be something I naturally am not: organized.  I'm still very unorganized yet i'm getting it together slowly but surely.  I get to work with talented and creative people all day long, either with the artists themselves or with the staff collaborating on art lessons and show ideas.  You may be scratching your head at the title of this blog and hoping for an explanation as to who Skeeter Jennings is.  There's no easy answer here.  What I can tell you about Skeeter is that he's a creation of Chris Monroe and myself.  He will slowly reveal himself to you over time either through drawings, paintings, photos or drunken character descriptions.  So you may want to check back from time to time to see what develops.  One of the main reasons I started this blog is to provide an opportunity for people to contact me in regards to setting up art lessons (one on one or group), creating customized art pieces, as well as custom matting & framing.  Why, you ask? Cuz i needz ta get PAID.  Seriously.  I work for a non-profit.  So please pass this along to any and everyone you know who is curious about any of these services.  I don't have set prices as each job is customized to you and your needs, but I'm more than reasonable.  I will be posting select images from my student work as well as personal art pieces from my portfolio fairly soon. And if you are curious about the peculiar image, also, no easy answer other than its chinese and amazing.

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